Saturday, February 5, 2011

The South is Mad at You!

Traitor!! You G** D*** Traitor! how could you do this to us?! Why would you do it! You should die! You are south blood and you dare join the North?! Tennessee needed you but instead you kill them? how could you? We are going to get you one day, you are a terrible man! Don't you want a non-human doing your job for you? so you could relax and take a break from doing things? Why do you think humans made computers?! it's the same thing as a black, white, Chinese or whatever _____-man you need. except, its legal. You don't know it but your using a slave right beneath your finger tips! yeah... except, they don't have blood or feelin's or nothin'. Anyway, on behalf of all the southerners; uhhh... I don't know actually. Your a terrible man!

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